If you make $34,000, you are in the (global) 1%.
After learning this, I needed to research it like crazy. I also needed to exercise some humility, so I moved to the woods for the week, and donated my paycheck to the (global) 99% — through Fistula Foundation.
Watch the video above to see how it all turned out.
It’s Women’s History Month. (And International Women’s Day is Friday, March 8). I find it odd that — during this time — no one is discussing / taking action around those who live in the “worst places on earth to be a woman.” Well, there is one group discussing it. They also happen to be one of the best and most effective charities in the ENTIRE WORLD.
Fistula Foundation has repaired 39,000+ women’s torn bodies and souls. They save a woman’s life with only $586.
So, I saved a woman’s life with my donation of $644.09.
I’m hoping my video and actions inspire you to take action as well. Work one week for Sokhina. Work one day for her. Or, donate whatever you can… every little bit adds up, and a life is saved in no time.
PLEASE… check out Go Greater Good‘s fundraiser HERE:
SAVE SOKHINA: fundraise.fistulafoundation.org/ggg
UPDATE 3/24/19: ^^^Fundraiser has saved 10 women’s lives (so far)!!^^^
I do not discount the American 1% problem in my discussion of the global 1% above. I am merely getting my own responsibilities in order, before criticizing others.
References for video above:
That’s $34,000 after paying taxes, and including standard of living adjustments. 34,000 is a rough but good estimate. It comes from Branko Milanovic, lead economist at the World Bank, author of The Haves and the Have-Nots. More info:
- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0465019749/ — original source for the highly cited $34,000 number.
- https://money.cnn.com/2012/01/04/news/economy/world_richest/index.htm — quick random article on the $34,000 number.
- http://www.globalrichlist.com/ — the creators of this site have estimated that the 1% number is more like $32,400.
- https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/get-involved/how-rich-am-i/ — the creators of this site have estimated that the 1% number is more like $53,000. (According to them, $34,000 puts you in the top 3%.)
- https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/LaXGf6hZXXqZ7sj5m/how-accurately-does-anyone-know-the-global-distribution-of — background on how various global 1% numbers are calculated (article by the same person who made the “Giving What We Can” calculator above.)
- https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/050615/are-you-top-one-percent-world.asp — the global 1% vs. the American 1%.
Some argue that even the poorest Americans today DO live like royalty (as compared to royalty of centuries past).
In the U.S., even if you don’t make it to the 1% exactly, (maybe you end up in the top 5% instead), there are many opportunities and services you can enjoy just from being in close proximity to so much wealth.
- “Today an American under the poverty line, the poorest of the poor, still has running water, flushing toilets, air conditioning, cellphones; the majority have access to a car; they’re living with a set of capabilities that the wealthiest people on the planet 150 years ago, the robber barons, the monarchs, the emperors, would have been jealous of.” – Peter Diamandis
- https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2011/09/are-americans-living-in-poverty-better-off-today-than-they-were-in-1959.html
1,000,000 women have fistulas.
1 in 26 children dies before age 5.
- https://data.unicef.org/topic/child-survival/under-five-mortality/
- https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality#child-mortality-by-cause-of-death
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malnutrition
- https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22935692
3,400,000,000 people live on less/a LOT less – than $5.50 per day.
- https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2018/10/17/nearly-half-the-world-lives-on-less-than-550-a-day – “Despite decline in extreme poverty, broader measures show billions still struggle to meet basic needs”
- https://ourworldindata.org/extreme-poverty
Fistulas are cured with only (on average) $586.
500,000 homeless in U.S.
The effective altruism movement. Check these out:
- https://www.effectivealtruism.org/
- Peter Singer — The why and how of effective altruism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Diuv3XZQXyc
- What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyprXhvGVYk
- Will MacAskill on Joe Rogan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buyBzK5yM-s
Hi Thomas, I remember you clearly when I passed you walking through Vermont– somewhere near Middlebury, I think. I turned around, and stopped to ask if you were alright. I gave you a little money and wished you well. How inspiring to see you are still out there helping others and really walking the walk! Your video is wonderful and I’ll pass it on to friends. Thank you, Thomas. Blessings!
Hi Bonnie!
I remember you clearly as well and I found your picture: https://www.facebook.com/GoGreaterGood/photos/a.504362679632078/504368619631484/ I think I remember us both making sure to not get your license plate in the photo 🙂 Thank you very much for still being here supporting me then and now, 5 and a half years later (can’t believe it’s been that long!!). Appreciate you GREATLY. Blessings.